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The Versatile Laney Ironheart 120H


The Laney Ironheart 120H doesn’t just feel like a roadworn stalwart, it’s quite a looker too: an internal array of red LEDs that illuminate the interior of the chassis with a hellfire glow activates upon powerup, revealing the 12AX7 preamp tubes and the 6L6 power tubes driving this beast of an amp.

Four controls (dynamics, tone, watts, and reverb) determine the overall response, volume, and feel of the amp. Wattage is also controllable, enabling the Ironheart to drop down to less than a single watt, ideal for players looking to get natural, biting power-amp overdrive without putting themselves in danger of eventually being too loud.

Channel 1 doubles as the clean and low-gain rhythm channel, and has separate controls for setting volume level and preamp gain. The channel is perfect for thick ’70s-inspired riffing, though the overdrive voice has a tendency to become muddy if too much gain is applied. The clean mode is a surprise: considering the Ironheart’s pedigree as a metal amp, it delivers a wide range of crystal-clear tones with a hi-fi edge which almost border on sweet and jangly.

There may be big amps with more gain, but few are as capable of such a beautifully wide range of tones. This is what sets the Ironheart apart from all the other 100 watt monsters of high gain. The ability to be uncompromising and appeal to its intended audience AND at the same time managing to turn heads with its versatility, the Laney Ironheart 120H definitely is a worthy heir to Laney’s illustrious reputation and as it turns out, even more.

Save 35% and get the Laney Ironheart 120H now at RM2943.00 thanks to the Music Bliss crazy sales promotion!

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