016-3111 286
016-3111 286
Based on a legendary frequency shifter from the 1970s, the Behringer 1630 Frequency Shifter packs an immensely sought-after design into a compact Eurorack box. Similar to the original, this analog frequency shifter is designed for one powerful purpose: to raise or lower the entire frequency spectrum of any signal by 5kHz. And much to the pleasure of Music Bliss vintage synth whizzes, the 1630 Frequency Shifter’s vintage-meets-modern circuitry — complete with a voltage-controlled beat frequency quadrature oscillator — perfectly captures the expressive feel and rich analog sound of the original. Moreover, you get a comprehensive set of controls, including Squelch threshold, Zero Adjust, Mixture, and Scale, to choose between exponential linear control. Finally, the 1630 comes with a host of CV inputs that allow offer endless control options for modular synth mad scientists. Truly, the Behringer 1630 Frequency Shifter proves that the future bodes well for modular synth enthusiasts everywhere.
Yes! Majority of our product provides a minimum 1 year warranty on the electronic parts.
Definitely! You can contact our sales team through 016-3111286 to make reservation for the time slot and head over to Music Bliss showroom to view the item before buying it. We are honored to have you over!
It usually takes only 3-7 working days for the item to be safely delivered to your doorstep. Self-collection and Lalamove (local delivery) is available as well!
Of course! You can head over to Music Bliss showroom for self-collection during our working hours.
10am - 7.30pm (Mon - Thurs)
10am - 7pm (Fri - Sat)
10am - 6pm (Sun)
Yes! Please note that the delivery hour for Lalamove service is only available for local delivery, from 11am to 5pm daily. For delivery ,please check out choosing Lalamove/Grab service or contact the mainline 016-3111286.