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Dick Denny, a guitarist, founded Vox in the 1950s. He wanted to create an amp that would give guitarists of the era enough volume and sustain to stand out in louder settings and cut through background noise. Vox realised they required more power than the first AC15 amp for the London bands of the era as rock n' roll began to take off in the early 1960s.

The AC30, which has 4 inputs and 2 channels—Normal and Vibrato—was created at that time. Designed to provide a tonne of volume when required. The Beatles' iconic jangling sounds, produced by their Vox AC30s, completely rewrote history. As a result, the company was established, and since 1962, they have only experienced growth.

The AC30 and AC15 amps from Vox are the company's top models. These robust tube amps feature bold, clean, and gritty tones with a distinctively Vox character. The right guitar produces a sound that can only be described as magical when combined with pedals.

These amplifiers have a warm, throaty sound that easily cuts through the background noise without ever sounding harsh. Vox, however, isn't a one-trick pony; with their Valvetronix amp line, which uses digital amp modelling technology to recreate authentic tube amp sounds for home use with all of the effects you could ever want, they've also revolutionised the practise amp industry.

Additionally, they have the AV line of analogue Vox amps. These amplifiers are wired similarly to tube amplifiers, but instead of tubes, they use warm-sounding analogue chips. You receive a sound that is crisp and clear while maintaining "that" Vox tone. They also offer the Amplug line, a device that connects to your guitar and transmits a headphone signal so you can practise quietly without disturbing your neighbours.

In Music Bliss Malaysia, you can find the best Vox Prices in Malaysia, and we provide the best prices for Vox Malaysia, products alongside with many Vox best offers.

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